At Truro Nursery School we have been on treasure hunts around the garden and have been learning how to light a camp fire safely and we toasted bread and marshmallows on the fire.
These days our little ones are very busy preparing celebrations and trying to behave very well to deserve the Xmas. presents. They have to wait for them for quite a loooooooong time, because the Three Wise Men, the Magic Kings, don't arrive to their homes until January 6th.
In the meantime they sing carols and ask for sweets, as you can see here.
The snow brings us new ways of learning!
The snow has fallen over Sweden and with snow comes play!
The kids love to ride "pulka" (sledding or toboggan in english) or "stjärtlapp" (Bumslider).
So the snow brings us exellent ways of Healthy Early Years Playful Science.
Sledding is not quite the accurate term, but it's the only translation we can find.
We say "åka pulka" in Swedish.

Bumsliding, or "åka stjärtlapp" as we say in Swedish!

Making Snowangels!

We also had another one of our station hours this week!
At the left we're playing "Under hökens vingar kom" wich is a swedish game where you'll avoid getting caught by the hawk as you run to the other side.

The snow is our canvas!

Trevlig helg! - Have a good weekend!
The kids love to ride "pulka" (sledding or toboggan in english) or "stjärtlapp" (Bumslider).
So the snow brings us exellent ways of Healthy Early Years Playful Science.
Sledding is not quite the accurate term, but it's the only translation we can find.
We say "åka pulka" in Swedish.

Bumsliding, or "åka stjärtlapp" as we say in Swedish!

Making Snowangels!

We also had another one of our station hours this week!
At the left we're playing "Under hökens vingar kom" wich is a swedish game where you'll avoid getting caught by the hawk as you run to the other side.

The snow is our canvas!

Trevlig helg! - Have a good weekend!
Swimming for educational purposes
We are learning about water as one of 4 basic elements. We know, that existence of water has crucial impact on us. We know from where the water is, how it looks, how it smells and tastes. We also know about all water's colors and how is water changing in their natural circulation.
Final part of this lessons took place in Zlin's public pool where the children learnt how to swim. We spent one day of each week in November in public swimming pool with our 5-years-old children. We got personal lector for our group which is teaching children to swim. Children also can examine what their body can do in water and what isn't possible outside the pool.
Some days ago our school (with other nine schools in Cantabria) was given this plate as a sign of acknowledgement for taking part in this project. We are very proud of it and put it in the main entrance.
Los niños y niñas de 3 años hemos hecho en el comedor del colegio un taller de cocina. Hemos elaborado con ayuda de las maestras una receta de otoño: " Morcilla de frutos secos y chocolate". Estos son los ingredientes: - galletas - mantequilla - cacao - nueces – pasas.
¿Queréis saber cómo se hace?
- Machacamos las galletas.
- Derretimos la mantequilla en el microondas (1 minuto).
- Después mezclamos en un bol las galletas con la mantequilla.
- Echamos cacao y removemos.
- Echamos nueces, después pasas y lo amasamos todo.
- Enrollamos la morcilla en papel de aluminio.
- Lo metemos en el frigorífico durante un día.
- Nos lo comemos.
Lo pasamos fenomenal y estaba muy rico!
3 years-old children had a cooking workshop in the school canteen. We made (with our teachers’ help) an autumn recipe: "Nuts and chocolate black pudding." These are the ingredients: - biscuits - butter - cocoa - nuts - raisins.
Want to know how?
1. Crush the biscuits into crumbles.
2. Melt the butter in the microwave (1 minute).
3. Then mix the crumbles with the butter in a bowl.
4. Add cocoa powder and stir.
5. Add some nuts, raisins and knead all.
6. Roll up the sausage in foil.
7. Put it in the fridge for a day.
8. Eat (and share with friends).
We had a great time and it was yummy!
Car Free Day
We have got involed in traditional European Car Free Day - better term will be Car Free Week. We wanted to guide children's parents to limit their car rides. We also discussed environment issues and we had suggested parents to made bike trip with their children.
There was one-day action named "Šlapáček" when we went with children and parents into forrest. This foot trip was enriched with completing goals and tasks like bike riding, cart riding and horse riding. We hope that this tasks and goals involved parents and kids thinking about possibility to move without cars and modern transport vehicles.
There was one-day action named "Šlapáček" when we went with children and parents into forrest. This foot trip was enriched with completing goals and tasks like bike riding, cart riding and horse riding. We hope that this tasks and goals involved parents and kids thinking about possibility to move without cars and modern transport vehicles.
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Posters informing about car free week |
Šlapáček moments |
Šlapáček moments |
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Šlapáček moments |
Stationhour at Billdalskyrkvägsförskola!
Billdals Kyrkvägs förskola has been certified with Green Flag, wich is a pedagogical tool for schools and preschools to work with sustainable development both in the classroom and our everyday living. Everyone at the preschool is involved in the work towards sustainable development. What we learn is put to use in our work every day. Themes in Grön Flagg:
- Climate and energy
- Consumption
- Recycling
- Health and lifestyle
- Our closest environment
- Water resources
As a way to reach our Grön Flagg goal, we have decided to have a "Stationstimme" wich means that we, once a month, plan an hour long station for the whole preschool that arouses curiosity amongst the children. Since we are 6 departments at the preschool, 3 of the departments each manages one station and the other 3 follows the children around and try to engage them in each station. This hour long activity is for the children to meet and discover together with children and adults from other departments. This is something every department works for every day but this hour is just another way of achiveing our goal.
En el colegio de Bezana, los niños-as de infantil estamos trabajando el otoño. Hemos aprendido canciones, poesías, adivinanzas, escuchado cuentos..., relacionados con esta estación.
Desde casa han colaborado trayendo frutos-as y hojas de otoño y hemos creado un rincón para ello. También hemos salido alrededor del cole para recoger hojas y nueces con nuestras profes.
Hemos realizado una salida otoñal y nos han enseñado distintas frutas y verduras.
El día 9 de noviembre, hemos celebrado todo el colegio una fiesta popular, " La Magosta" (asado de castañas). Preparamos unas coronas, collares y el cucurucho para las castañas. Salimos al patio del cole para ver cómo asaban las castañas. Después bailamos, jugamos y comimos castañas.
Lo pasamos fenomenal. Hizo buen tiempo.
In Bezana school, children are working and learning about autumn. We have learned songs, poems, riddles, stories, .... related to this season. Parents collaborated giving us fruits and autumn leaves and we created a corner in the classroom to display them. We went on a walk around the school to collect leaves and nuts with our teachers. We went on a bus trip to the market and learned about different fruits and vegetables. On 9th November, the whole school celebrated a festival, "The Magosta". We prepared crowns, necklaces and a cornet for the roasted chestnuts. We went out to courtyard to see how Manuel, the head teacher, roasted chestnuts. Afterwards we danced, played and ate the chestnuts. We had a very nice weather.
Desde casa han colaborado trayendo frutos-as y hojas de otoño y hemos creado un rincón para ello. También hemos salido alrededor del cole para recoger hojas y nueces con nuestras profes.
Hemos realizado una salida otoñal y nos han enseñado distintas frutas y verduras.
El día 9 de noviembre, hemos celebrado todo el colegio una fiesta popular, " La Magosta" (asado de castañas). Preparamos unas coronas, collares y el cucurucho para las castañas. Salimos al patio del cole para ver cómo asaban las castañas. Después bailamos, jugamos y comimos castañas.
Lo pasamos fenomenal. Hizo buen tiempo.
In Bezana school, children are working and learning about autumn. We have learned songs, poems, riddles, stories, .... related to this season. Parents collaborated giving us fruits and autumn leaves and we created a corner in the classroom to display them. We went on a walk around the school to collect leaves and nuts with our teachers. We went on a bus trip to the market and learned about different fruits and vegetables. On 9th November, the whole school celebrated a festival, "The Magosta". We prepared crowns, necklaces and a cornet for the roasted chestnuts. We went out to courtyard to see how Manuel, the head teacher, roasted chestnuts. Afterwards we danced, played and ate the chestnuts. We had a very nice weather.
Today we celebrated a traditional festival called "MAGOSTA", a celebration of
autumn and harvest. Formerly the people used to go the forest to collect
firewood and chestnuts for winter and did a party telling stories, eating roasted
chestnuts and dancing by the fire.
MAGOSTA 2012 from jefaturat
Halloween in Zlín
Celebrating of Halloween (in the way as in USA) has not long tradition in Czech republic. Czech name for Halloween is "Dušičky" and traditional way how to celebrate it is visiting of cementery and remember all those, who had left us. However, few years ago started celebrating of Halloween in same way as in USA. Especially young people celebrating it. Also nursery schools in Zlín have a day or week dedicated for pumpkins, ghosts a spooky things. So, please let us show you our Halloween.
Spooky greetings from Czech republic (with little bonus in form of rhyme about ghost)
Toulavý drak
Pre-school: Mateřská škola Slovenská
Country: Czech Republic
Subject: HEYPOS
Date: 2012-10-20
Event "Toulavý drak" for kids and parents
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Introduction into heypos project for parents during event |
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Event took place in mountains Beskydy on Antarik chalet |
In order to familiarize parents and kids with countries in Heypos project we decided to use simple games and discussions. Each country was presented with wide-know things and traditional food.
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Making of fan for spanish dance flamengo |
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Making of hat for czech fairy tale "O Honzovi" |
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Sweden was presented with Pippi
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