
The snow brings us new ways of learning!

The snow has fallen over Sweden and with snow comes play!

The kids love to ride "pulka" (sledding or toboggan in english) or "stjärtlapp" (Bumslider).

So the snow brings us exellent ways of Healthy Early Years Playful Science.

Sledding is not quite the accurate term, but it's the only translation we can find.

We say "åka pulka" in Swedish.

Bumsliding, or "åka stjärtlapp" as we say in Swedish!

Making Snowangels!

We also had another one of our station hours this week!

At the left we're playing "Under hökens vingar kom" wich is a swedish game where you'll avoid getting caught by the hawk as you run to the other side.

The snow is our canvas!

Trevlig helg! - Have a good weekend!


  1. What a lot of snow! And a lot of FUNNY LEARNING too!
    We have snow in the near mountains but at the seaside it's only rain, rain, rain...Quite boring!
    Enjoy the week

  2. I love your idea of painting in the snow - unlikely we will get the chance in cornwall though as we so rarely have snow!


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