
Stationhour at Billdalskyrkvägsförskola!

Billdals Kyrkvägs förskola has been certified with Green Flag, wich is a pedagogical tool for schools and preschools to work with sustainable development both in the classroom and our everyday living. Everyone at the preschool is involved in the work towards sustainable development. What we learn is put to use in our work every day. Themes in Grön Flagg:
  • Climate and energy
  • Consumption
  • Recycling
  • Health and lifestyle
  • Our closest environment
  • Water resources

As a way to reach our Grön Flagg goal, we have decided to have a "Stationstimme" wich means that we, once a month, plan an hour long station for the whole preschool that arouses curiosity amongst the children. Since we are 6 departments at the preschool, 3 of the departments each manages one station and the other 3 follows the children around and try to engage them in each station. This hour long activity is for the children to meet and discover together with children and adults from other departments. This is something every department works for every day but this hour is just another way of achiveing our goal. 
The stations are:
  • Discover
  • Movements and
  • Creations.
Heres some pictures from the Stationstimme (Stationhour) we had yesterday!

Movement; Ring dance

Creation; Making art with  pinecones.
 Discover; Can you find geometric shapes in the nature? 
We finish the stationhour with fruit together.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations for the Green Flag. No doubt, you are working hard!


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